~ A tuning that is recording and concert quality, with a clear, sweet voice that's not too breathy. ~ A sufficiently loud volume with a stable, responsive tone able to accommodate the full dynamic range and moods of a variety of music styles. ~ Represent the spirit, beauty and natural strength of the tree that grew her. After boring out the sound and air chambers, keeping the branch whole and intact, every branch worked is kiln dried before voicing ensuring that it has shrunk as much as it's ever going to, helping to prevent any degradation over time in tuning or tone. On the native style flutes a cedar shoe is laminated to the bottom of the "bird" or block to aid against wetout. On recorder style flutes, cedar is inlayed around the emboucher, windway, window and labium, to help keep that area free of wood movement or decay and also as an aid against wetout. On those flutes with the bark left on, I make sure the bark is tight to the grain before working it. One of the advantages of working with green wood is that the natural adherence of the bark can be preserved by sealing the branch in the finishing process. Many professionally made wooden walking staffs, or rustic furniture like bent willow chairs, leave the bark on for it character and beauty, with no danger of it coming off over time due to the curing and finishing process, a traditional process with decades of proven reliability. And these willow chairs and walking staffs will survive more moisture, weather and rough handling than a Dryad Flute will hopefully ever see. I appreciate your interest and wish you many natural blessings.
~ Jon
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